Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Break The Cycle

Today's DownLoad:

I received a really beautiful message in my in box today:

It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people
to focus your energies on answers not excuses...

How true was this statement as I meditated on what that meant to me and how I can direct the wisdom onto the true root of the 'problem'.

What is so easy to do is attach your anger/sadness/resentment towards people. You know, take out your shit on your loved one, family member, etc. I get triggered all the time and it's super easy to point the finger at other people. Like the Messenger or the person who is triggering you. Playing the Blame Game instead of taking full responsibility and acting accordingly with Dignity, Diplomacy, Compassion AND Grace.

One of my greatest challenges is this: to unlearn what I experienced in my childhood as normal.

What I'm actively doing now is: Speaking in a kind and compassionate way. Sharing on a heart level and being fully heard. Being Present and unafraid to show emotions. Holding Sacred Space and creating an energetic where it feels safe and secure.

I've chosen to transmute the energy from my past and channel it in such a way that serves not only my highest good but the highest good for others as well.

So, the next time something like this comes up for you..take a moment to breath and remember YourSelf as a child, remember the Other as a child. Speak lovingly and kindly instead of feeding the anger. Break the cycle and incorporate a new way of expression...through Love, Forgiveness, Patience and Peace... ♥